The price of the course includes your own copy of the Navigation Rules of the Road Handbook, essential Weems & Plath® navigation plotting tools, plotting pencil, quality eraser, use of all classroom text books, charts and the testing fee normally paid to the US Coast Guard.
This course is principally intended for candidates for licensing as OUPV through Master 100 gross tons operating on Great Lakes, Inland and / or Near Coastal waters. Ideally, students attending this course should have completed a minimum period of one year underway on vessels with ninety days of that experience acquired during the three years previous to enrollment, and preferably have gained some experience of watch keeping on the relevant waters. Students are expected to be able to read and speak English and perform basic computer functions as required in an online learning environment. Internet is required for this course. Computer requirements include ability to access the internet, PowerPoint on SlideShare, and be able display you tube videos with sound. Students must meet the citizenship requirements listed in 46 CFR 10.221.
Course Details:
This course provides training to mariners seeking their US Coast Guard license as Master 25, 50, or 100 Gross Registered Tons (GRT) upon Great Lakes, Inland and/or Near Coastal waters as specified in 46 CFR Part 11. It satisfies the classroom instruction and examination requirements of 46 CFR 11.201(j)(1) for original issuance, 46 CFR 10.227(e)(1)(iii) for renewal, and 46 CFR 10.227(i) for reissuance for any one the following endorsement and may not be used for any application transactions thereafter:
Master of less than 100 GRT, Near Coastal, or Great Lakes & Inland, or Inland Waters Or;
Master of less than 100 GRT, Near Coastal, raise in grade from OUPV Near Coastal Or;
OUPV or Mate of less than 100 GRT
The course is divided into sections covering the following topics:
1.0 Rules of the Road
2.0 Navigation Problems: Chart Plot
3.0 Navigation General
4.0 Deck General, Deck Safety and Environmental Protection
****Plotting tools and Rules of the Road regulations will be provided for this course.
In order to successfully complete this course, each candidate must obtain a grade percentage of not less than 90% on the Rules of the Road and Chart Plotting exams, a 70% on Navigation General, and Deck General, and Deck Safety examinations. The examinations are similar in format and content to the examinations given at the US Coast Guard Regional Examination Centers (RECs) and are accepted by the U.S. Coast Guard in lieu of their exams.