This course provides training to mariners who wish to renew an endorsement to their US Coast Guard Merchant Mariners License as Radar Observer.
Satisfactory completion of any of these courses satisfies the U.S. Coast Guard requirement for issuance of the endorsement with no further testing at the Coast Guard.
The radar observer training course requirements of 46 CFR 11.480(d) for renewal of a Radar Observer endorsement.
The course is divided into several sections as follows:
- River navigation and collision avoidance on rivers
- Collision avoidance including target vessel course change
- Radar theory
*****Please click on this link to review the Recertification Booklet prior to attendance.
3 written examinations with 70% passing score.
****Students will take recertification examinations first. If further instruction is necessary, it will be given upon a failure of an exam. The student will be provided with an orientation of the radar simulators controls, features, and set up.